Pacers Gaming vs Blazer5 Gaming Recap

After being knocked out of the playoffs prior to the start of the game, Pacers Gaming (PCG) came out with a different lineup versus Blazer5 Gaming (BZG). Starting Swizurk at point guard and WoLF 74 at small forward, they held strong through the 2nd quarter, trading baskets and the lead up until the closing minutes of the half. Heading into the 3rd BZG went on a run that PCG couldn’t overcome, ultimately winning 95-72.

Box Score

WoLF 74 had 22 points and 3 steals. TuckerLocksUp had 12 points, 10 rebounds, and 3 blocks in his return to the lineup. Swizurk had 15 points and 9 assists in his first start as PG.

For BZG, OneWildWalnut had 27 points and 20 rebounds. Dat Boy Shotz finished with 25 points and 2 steals.

Pacers Gaming finishes its regular season at 6:00PM ET against Kings Guard Gaming. Watch live at